InBody 770

Ref.: IN-TE1090BI24

InBody 770

Ref.: IN-TE1090BI24
Price on Inquiry

The InBody 770 is one of the most advanced InBody bioimpedance devices that assesses body composition with proven precision. It allows wireless data transmission and compares assessments with reference values. It provides a series of essential parameters for a complete patient assessment in just 60 seconds. It is the ideal tool for research, clinical use or high-performance sport.

The InBody 770 goes beyond traditional body composition analysis and takes a deeper look at body water. With 98.4% correlation with DEXA, the "gold standard" in body composition analysis, this equipment is ideal for research in various areas such as health and sport. This model offers two types of result sheets: body composition and body water. With this research-grade body composition analyzer, you can measure body composition accurately and comfortably. The test is easy and safe - no statistical data or empirical equations. Only impedance is used to determine body composition results, i.e. no empirical estimates such as gender or age are used to predict body composition. With Lookin'Body Software, you can automatically sAVE all your assessment data in a data management software that allows you to store, share and track all your assessments in a single database, with access to current and previous results sheets, so you can analyze your progress and build progress charts. Easily view and control your client's results and see their progress anytime, anywhere.

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InBody 770

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