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POWERbreathe Respiron is a device for training the inspiratory breathing muscles. It was created to help restore normal breathing patterns, improve breathing in general and help maintain lung function. It is fully adjustable, allowing the level of difficulty to be increased or decreased depending on breathing strength.
” Exercises and strengthens the respiratory muscles.
” Helps maintain lung capacity and function after periods of inactivity.
” Encourages deep breathing, which can help relieve excess mucus.
” Helps prevent bronchial and lung diseases and infections.
” Exercises and strengthens the respiratory muscles.
” Increases transpulmonary pressure and inspiratory volumes.
” Helps post-surgical patients restore lung function after heart or lung surgery.
” Easy to use and clean.
” Can be used as part of a bronchial hygiene routine to clear the lungs of excess mucus.
” Suitable for daily use.
” Excellent for lowering stress levels.
” Can be used sitting or standing.
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