Tristel DUO™ Solution

Ref.: TR-022701

Tristel DUO™ Solution

Ref.: TR-022701
Price on Inquiry

Tristel Duo for Ophthalmology is a foaming chlorine dioxide solution suitable for high-level cleaning and disinfection of ophthalmic medical devices. Tristel Duo for Ophthalmology contains two separate compartments with a Tristel Base solution (Citric Acid) and Tristel Activator solution (Sodium Chlorite). When mixed by pressing the foam pump, chlorine dioxide is generated.

Tristel Duo for ophthalmology can be used for high-level disinfection of ophthalmic medical devices such as:
” Diagnostic contact lenses
” Laser contact lenses
” Ophthalmic ultrasound probes, including A-Scan and B-Scan ultrasound probes
” Tonometer prisms
” Pachymeters

In just 30 seconds Tristel Duo for Ophthalmology works as a sporicide, mycobactericide, viricide, fungicide and bactericide. Chlorine dioxide has been tested in certified laboratories all over the world and has proven to be effective against micro-organisms such as:
” Acanthamoeba castellanii (one of the organisms that causes Acanthamoeba keratitis)
” Human papilloma virus SV40 (surrogate of HPV)
” Pseudomonas aeruginosa
” Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRE)
” Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE)
” Candida albicans
” Fusarium solani
” Aspergillus brasiliensis (formerly niger)
” Aspergillus flavus
” Adenovirus

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